We are making a multi-faceted investment in the sport of snowboarding!

Twister was conceived, designed, engineered and built by our parent company IDEAilluminators, LLC; a company dedicated to creating the very best innovations possible. Check them out at www.ideailluminators.com

The team that developed the Twister line of products is a group of passionate specialists who care deeply about improving the sport of snowboarding by making it easier to learn, more fun to ride and safer to perform. We were all dedicated to conducting as many iterations as was necessary to bring about the very best new edge snowboard products on the market. We spared no time, no effort and no expense to make sure we were spot on with the finished products. Our goal was to make you our customer, blissfully excited about heading out to the ski slopes and completely satisfied with the quality innovations in our products. Twister is the logical approach to learning how to snowboard the easy way, by avoiding all the spills, tumbles and falls.

Get out and get stoked learning how to snowboard with Twister everyone!